

Webinar launch of the WHO Technical Package to Stop Obesity

The WHO Technical Package to Stop Obesity: A "HOW TO" approach for the obesity pandemic response

On World Obesity Day, 4 March 2025, from 14:00 - 15:00 CET, WHO launches the WHO Technical Package to Stop Obesity. The launch webinar will discuss how the package can help government officials, national policy makers and programme managers to deliver concrete action to tackle obesity and navigate the complexity of implementation.

The package provides a “how to” approach and focuses on a selection of proven interventions to be used by countries according to their own priorities and tailored to the local context with a focus on:

  • adapting environments to enable a healthy lifestyle;
  • creating knowledge, motivation, and skills for healthy behaviors;
  • transforming the health system to respond to the obesity epidemic.

A webinar will feature a panel of country experts, civil society and partners agencies, who will discuss concrete ways to alleviate the obesity epidemic and the role of a simplified and standardized response supported by the WHO Technical Package to stop Obesity within and beyond the WHO Acceleration Plan.


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