

Let’s talk about… bold policies.

Let’s talk about… bold policies.

For World Obesity Day 2023, The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados and the Barbados Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition which is group of civil society organisations, which has been strongly advocating for World Health Organisation recommended policies to curb the alarming levels of childhood obesity in Barbados will be congratulating the Ministry of Education in Barbados. In February 2023, the Ministry of Education in Barbados, launched the National School Nutrition Policy which removes sugar sweetened beverages from school from April 2023, this firm and bold policy by government is being highly congratulated by the Coalition and the Heart & Stroke Foundation. This new policy will create a paradigm shift in transforming the obesogenic environment for schools in Barbados

On the eve of World Obesity Day 2023, our Youth Advocates who have been involved in advocacy among their peers, wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of Barbados congratulating the government on taking such a bold stance on the School Nutrition Policy (this letter was shared on the Heart & Stroke social media platforms). Highlighting that what surrounds the young people of Barbados shapes them, the youth advocates have asked for the swift implementation of the National School Nutrition Policy.



Latest Stories and Events

WOD at St. Andrew Hospital

We are holding an Open Day for World Obesity Day and will conduct BIA measurement with Inbody770 for coworkers. If someone is interested in finding out more about nutrition therapy, we will be available with special advice for individuals.

Solemn Session on Obesity - Chamber of Deputies, Brasília

Solemn Session in March 2025, in commemoration of WORLD OBESITY DAY, will take place in the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília, on March 18, at 11 am, Brazil time.

Free Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Coaching - for Obesity Prevention & NCDs Management

Slim-Me-Go Health Foundation (India) are proudly joining the World Obesity Day 2025 movement on March 4th, 2025. As part of our commitment, we will be offering a "Free Health & Lifestyle Coaching Program" focused on Obesity Prevention and Sustainable idle healthy weight management, running on World Obesity Day 2025 itself and continuing throughout March 2025.

Iluminemos México

En el marco del World Obesity Day - México, la Sociedad Mexicana de Obesidad (SMO), ¡Te invita a unirte a nosotros este 4 de marzo a las 7:00 p.m. en la Ciudad de México!. ¡Nos vemos en el encuentro!